The mysterious rise of washable diapers
Yes, you read that right. Washable diapers are on the rise. I know what you’re thinking. You’re disgusted by the thought of throwing a poopy diaper in the washing machine together with your other clothes. I totally understand that.
My first experience with a washable diaper was when I was fourteen years old and babysitting kids in the neighborhood. They were one, three and five years old. The youngest, to my horror, was covered in poo up to his ears. As a fourteen-year-old I was not particularly happy with it (and I still wouldn’t be). During the diaper change, it appeared he wore a washable diaper. Or shall I say, he wore a swaddle with a huge inlay in it, secured with a pin. Help! I finally managed to release him from it, grabbed it on the very small clean parts and blindly threw it in the garden. When his parents came home, I kindly pointed to the garden. Good luck with that. Bleh!
Does that sound relatable?

Why is the washable diaper becoming popular?
For multiple reasons. A major one is that the hydrophilic cloth has now been replaced by a cotton or bamboo diaper. It looks like a disposable diaper and works in the same way. So no pins, no more triangle folds, resulting in a much better fit. And a better fit means less leaking. Even so that it is said that washable diapers have less leaks that the regular, disposable ones. And that makes us extra happy, because we’ll be doing less laundry.
In the meantime, consumer awareness grows on washable diapers being better for the environment. Washable diapers are more environmentally friendly, even though the washing machine have to tumble a bit more often. Would you like to see the exact calculation? Milieu Centraal (Dutch organisation) has made a calculation.
Finally, the washable diapers are also cheaper. I have to admit, it made me wince at the first purchase. But if you use them for all your children or you turn to the marketplace for secondhand stuff, next to sustainability success, also financial success is assured.
Other facts
Maybe you’re looking for the last few arguments to come over to the washable diapers side. I completely get you, I did the same thing. Perhaps these will help. Did you know:
- A child with washable diapers will be off diapers sooner?
- Washable diapers are available in the funkiest prints?
- Babies with washable diapers have less diaper rash? And if they still get it, we have a wonderfully effective diaper cream. Just use a drop and and voilá!
Would you like more information about washable diapers? Kaatje Katoen has throughout the country consultants who come along with you without obligation to explain everything about washable diapers. How easy is that?